How to cultivate an obsession for reading and learning in your child

Reading, learning and being curiosity are the building blocks towards lifelong learning. I have met people who the only books they could stand flipping through were comic books, nothing wrong with that. But comics contain pictures. Books just describe and you are forced to let your imagination build up characters and the story framework. There really is no better way to learning everything else. Everything else needs imagination.

Reading, learning and being curiosity are the building blocks towards lifelong learning. Books describe and you are forced to let your imagination build up characters and the story framework. There really is no better way to learning everything else. Everything else needs imagination. #learning #parenting #momlife #momsquad #dadlife #dadsquad

The complete guide for the best sun protection for your child

You may know about SPF but do you know just how "waterproof" waterproof sunscreens really are? What is your skin's natural threshold for sunshine before it burns? Find out more there.

You may know about SPF but do you know just how "waterproof" waterproof sunscreens really are? What is your skin's natural threshold for sunshine before it burns? It is the warmest summer ever and it seems to get worse each year. What do you do for sun protection? Do you have small babies or young children? This is the one checklist that you'll need. #sunprotection #sunscreen #SPF #parenting #momlife #momsquad #dadlife #dadsquad

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