
Connie Sassy.mom
Hello! And thank you for dropping by.

No, really. I mean, I really mean it.

I know you’re busy and have a million things to read on top of your daily routine of looking out for your partner and/or carrying your kid(s). You may have stumbled upon here on accident or you may been baited by my Pinterest pin or Twitter post but you areĀ  unlikely recommended to pop in here by Google.

You see, I’m only just starting out and being a total klutz at doing (I’m better at reading How-Tos) it’s been rather slow progressing to become an authoritative blog.

That’s the whole problem too. I’m not confident that I can replace your current sources of parenting information and I don’t think I want to. I just want to share with you my experience, insights and perspectives in the hope that you will tell me yours and I can say, “OMG we have the same kids”.

So, please

1. Subscribe to get the latest updates (do not follow please as WordPress followers don’t get added to my Mailchimp mailing list)

2. Interact with me via Twitter @MomSasssy and

3. Email me c@justlikec.com

I’m not promising that there won’t be any affiliate links forever but even if there were one fine day they would most certainly be of products that actually work for me too and if you don’t like them you can just pretend you never saw them and we can both move on.

Welcome! I welcome you to every post and page.





How parents can win with time

Time isn’t the issue. Engagement is. Parents struggle to have energy for their kids. When they do, anger gets in the way of quality engagement. Parents can win with time if they can manage their anger.


From drifter to mom: my journey

All my life I quit before I built anything extraordinary. Can I stick with motherhood all the way? I wondered these thoughts when I met my son for the first time. It was 12 hours after a c-section under general anesthesia. I was groggy but I was quite sure my atypical feelings were mine alone.

Confession: I was not mom-like when I had my son

When I first encountered my son I didn’t feel an immediate connection and I told no one. Every article that I’d ever read pointed to a motherliness that would exude from the star mom when her child was born. I didn’t feel motherly at all. In fact I still felt my single self. Married, but before a child.



Hi I’m Connie. I’ve a full time job in a conservative American corporation that frowns on working from home. I have two loves – my two year old son and my coder-husband, and I am one of those fortunate grown ups who has a good relationship with my parents.

For the first 35 years of my life I led an entirely different lifestyle, an excessively playful one that took me places and greatly helped me in appreciating what I have now. These days I’m working on being a good role model to my son, and helping moms and dads discover less stressful ways to parenting.

I am not afraid to experiment to find out what works, and I am certainly unafraid to be an atypical mom. All my life I was a rebel, and I’m still a rebel now. I don’t expect to raise my son like a sheep, that’s the last thing I would like for him to become. It’s tricky having to balance disciplining and following our true paths but I continue to try.

We have to stay true to ourselves even if we are parents! I believe our kids and our partners will appreciate us for that. I tend not to follow generic guidance from corporations and health associations because let’s face it – these entities have hidden agendas to benefit them, not necessarily us. These unfold themselves when you follow the money, i.e. decipher the monetary, pride or power motivations behind their intent.

I hope my perspectives and insights will be inspirational to you. Every kid is different and every parent is different so let’s find out what works for our children, shall we?


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