From drifter to mom: my journey

All my life I quit before I built anything extraordinary. When my son was born I wondered whether I could stick with motherhood all the way.

All my life I quit before I built anything extraordinary. Can I stick with motherhood all the way? I wondered these thoughts when I met my son for the first time. It was 12 hours after a c-section under general anesthesia. I was groggy but I was quite sure my atypical feelings were mine alone. #parenting #momlife #momsquad #dadlife #dadsquad

Confession: I was not mom-like when I had my son

Confession: I didn’t feel like a mom when my son was born and I told no one for fear of judgement and lack of support

When I first encountered my son I didn't feel an immediate connection and I told no one. Every article that I'd ever read pointed to a motherliness that would exude from the star mom when her child was born. I didn't feel motherly at all. In fact I still felt my single self. Married, but before a child. #parenting #momlife #momsquad #dadlife #dadsquad

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